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Bu logonun Telif Hakları saklıdır. The individual who uploaded this logo and first used it in an article, and subsequent persons who place it into articles assert that this qualifies as fair use of the material under United States copyright law.

This image is covered under fair use as it is used to specifically identify the company, product, or service mentioned in a article, which is the intended purpose of a logo. Per policies, unless they are licensed under a free content license or are too simple enough to be copyrightable, all logos are presumed non-free and copyrighted. Use of the logo here does not imply endorsement of the organization by the Wikimedia Foundation, nor does it imply endorsement of the Wikimedia Foundation by the organization.
Some logos consisting only of a typeface design or simple geometric shapes, are ineligible for copyright and the {{pd-ineligible}} template should be used. Please check each logo's copyright status before changing.

As of June 7th, 2008, this template now contains language suitable enough to be considered a valid fair use rationale on Wikinews. Per Şablon:Logo/ammendment to WN:FU this template can optionally take a parameter title, to give a rationale for using on the page mentioned in title (..|title=[[A company with a logo gets sued]]}})